R e s e a r c h |
My research focus is in experimental systems: operating system topics in multimedia, storage, security, networks and sensor systems. I manage the Experiemental Systems lab. I am actively involved in:
Recent publications
- Lossless compression of high resolution medical images in a block-based storage system, Surendar Chandra and Windsor W. Hsu. In IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC 2014), Snowbird, Utah, March 2014
- High Performance Many to Many Intranet Screen Sharing with DisplayCast, Surendar Chandra, John Boreczky and Lawrence A. Rowe. In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP), Volume 10(2), Article 19, January 2014
- Towards portable, high definition multi-camera video capture using smartphones for tele-immersion, Surendar Chandra, Patrick Chiu and Maribeth Back. In IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2013), December 2013
- Dewarping Book Page Spreads Captured with a Mobile Phone Camera, Chelhwon Kim, Patrick Chiu and Surendar Chandra. In Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR 2013), August 2013
... complete list ...
T e a c h i n g |
Course materials:
- Operating Systems: Fall 2008 (CSE 60641), Spr 2008 (CSE 30341), Spr 2007 (CSE 30341), Spr 2006 (CSE 30341), Fall 2004 (CSE 542), Fall 2003 (CSE 542), Fall 2002 (CSE 542)
- Computer Networks: Spr 2005 (CSE 364), Spr 2004 (CSE498N/598N), Spr
2003 (CSE 498N/598N), Spr 2002 (CSCI 6760)
- Multimedia Systems: Spr 2009 (CSE 40373/60373), Fall 2006 (CSE 40373/60373)
- Networked Sensor Systems: Fall 2007 (CSE 40484/60484)
- Distributed Storage: Fall 2005 (CSE 70481)
- Ubiquitous Computing: Spr 2002 (CSCI 4770/6770), Spr 2001 (CSCI 4770/6770)
- Educational Experimental Systems Lab (six Intel desktops and two Itanium2 servers (with $120K grant from HP))
- Lectures since Spr 2006 available in Google Video, YouTube and Apple iTunes
- Experiences in personal lecture video capture, Surendar Chandra. In IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (to appear)(PDF)
- Lecture video capture for the masses, Surendar Chandra. In ACM 12th Annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (iTiCSE 2007), June 25 - 27, 2007, Dundee, Scotland (PDF,
- Beacond: A Peer-to-Peer System to Teach Ubiquitous Computing,
Surendar Chandra. ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
(SIGCSE), February, 2003 PDF
- Netcp - A Project Environment for an
Undergraduate Computer Networks Course.,
David Finkel and Surendar Chandra. In ACM Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) , March 10-11,
1994. [Software available here ] PS,

S e r v i c e |
....complete list....
- ACM Multimedia (2003, 2006 -- 2012. Area co-chair: 2011)
- ACM Multimedia Systems ((2010 - 2012), (ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN 2003 -- 2009. TPC co-chair: 2005, 2006)))
- ACM NOSSDAV (2005, 2007 -- 2012)
- USENIX Middleware (2012)
- IEEE Infocom (2008--2009)
- IEEE ICDCS (2008--2012)
- PAM 2008, ACM Netgames 2008, 2012
- IEEE SECON (WSNA (2002, 2003), 2004, 2005, 2006)
C a u s e s |
Causes for which I wish I could do more for:
A b o u t
I was born in Madurai; lived in Coimbatore, Sivakasi, Thoothukudi (my
home town), Thisayanvilai, Nagarcoil, Keezhvelur, Palayamkottai,
Dindigul and Chennai (all
in Tamilnadu, India),
Emeryville: CA, Tempe:AZ, Worcester:MA, Durham:NC, New York:NY, Athens:GA
and Granger:IN (all in the US). I speak Tamil and English. My mother
and siblings live in Bangalore, India. My son, Kumar
S. Chandra is becoming a young man!! Though I am a software guy, I also play the role of a hardware guy on TV!!