Course Objectives and Description
The promise of ubiquitous computing is the seamless
integration of computing technology into our everyday
lifes. Advances in hardware and software technologies
is offering us a glimpse into this connected
future. Mobile devices (laptops, PDAs, navigation
systems, web appliances), wireline (LANs, broadband home
access) and wireless networks (2.5G/3G cellular) offer a
stepping stone to build ubiquitous and pervasive
computing applications. The web is emerging as the
primary data dissemination and e-commerce mechanism.The
ability for ubiquitous information access is driving the
popularity of the Web. The demands and opportunities
of mobile information access present exciting challenges
for research in wide-area distributed systems.
A primary goal of this class is to introduce students to
research issues in mobile access to resources. This class
will survey current research in this area, including work
in communication protocols, naming, replicated services,
security, adaptation and battery power management. We will
read and evaluate research papers selected from the
literature. The students will also work on a significant
course project.
Course Organization
Each class will consist of a introductory lecture into a
new topic (to provide the necessary background to read
research publications). The students will then be asked to
evaluate a research paper as the basis for further
discussion in the next lecture. Class participation is
fundamental for productive discussions.
The students are also expected to work on a significant course
project. This will be an opportunity to explore research ideas
that interests them (a list of project ideas will also be
provided). The goal of the project is to produce conference
quality publications. However, because of the limited time
available, a project with good research potential (aim high)
is preferred over a system that just works . The
projects will be evaluated based on the demonstration of
the lessons learnt, as well as on the coherent
presentation of the results; in context with other
research. The key to a successful class project is ensuring
that some aspect of the work is complete (it is hard to
grade a project where nothing quite works). It is
expected that successful projects, with further polishing
work, will lead to a thesis and/or conference submissions.
At the end of the semester, we will organize a public mini
symposium. The student groups will present their
experiences with the research project in this
symposium. They will also submit a 10 page research
report. Students will provide feedback on the
different project presentations. Best
paper and best presentation awards will be
selected from these feedbacks.
For the course project, the students will have access to
a wireless infra-structure with cool
mobile devices
There are no text books for this class. We will read
topical research papers to supplement class lectures.
- Ubiquitous Computing Vision
- Distributed System Architectures
- Naming and Location management
- Replication Services:
- Sychronization and consistency
- Caching, Prefetching and Hoarding
- Security
- Client side issues:
- Communication protocols
- Battery power management
- Adaptive content distribution
- OS Support for small devices
- Next generation applications:
- MEMS/Microsensors
- "Convergence" (computers, telephones, multimedia, home entertainment)
Background in Operating Systems and/or Computer Networking
is required. The course includes a significant course
project; background in programming is necessary.