Multimedia Systems
  1. Home work assignments: 2 x 10 pts
  2. We will have two written take home assignments, each in the midpoints of the first and second half of the class (separated by fall break).
  4. Home work projects: 2 x 10 pts:
  5. We will have two programming projects in the first half of the class. You will have maximum flexibility in reshaping the poject.
  7. Mid term exams: 15 pts
  8. Final Exams: 15 pts
  9. The examinations are in class, open book/notes affair.
  11. Course project: 30 pts + 10 pts
  12. You should start thinking about the course project from the beginning of the class, though you would work in earnest in the second half of the course. The project grade will be split between project contents (10 pt), project proposal (5 pts), final project presentation (5 pt) and a final report (10 pt). You will have complete freedom in choosing the scope of the projects (though I would dictate minimum requirements). Talk to me to discuss some ideas. Here are some suggestions:
  13. 1. Some of you know about the video recording effort from the Spring 06 - Operating System course. Turns out, many other faculty would also like to attempt a similar effort. However, they may not have the background to pull it off without our help. One interesting project is to allow the faculty to distribute their videos easily. We will focus on the storage component. Last years lectures consumed about 24 GB of data. Hence, AFS is out of the question. We will assume that the faculty will use their desktop storage. I would like to develop a program, that will take a local directory as a parameter. It will talk to other storage using p2p or centralized mechanisms. It will export a catalog of all the lectures so that we can access it easily for any student. You can assume that the faculty will have access to the right set of hardware. Any tools on the software side would be welcome.  
Grade breakdown
  1. Last updated: Tuesday, November 28, 2006