Aware Transcoding
The primary focus of
this research is in enabling multimedia web access from slow,
expensive and congested networks using application level
techniques. We utilize transcoding as the enabling technology.
Transcoding is a transformation that is used to
convert a multimedia object from one form to another
(frequently trading off object fidelity for size). For
transcoding to be useful, we need to understand the tradeoff
characteristics: the information quality loss, the
computational overhead required in computing the transcoding
and the potential space benefits. To illustrate for one
specific case, we characterized the information quality
tradeoffs, the computational requirements and the potential
space gain of a transcoding that changes the JPEG compression
metric. We utilized this technology in a network proxy service
that serves different versions of the images to different
client based on their network characteristics. Next we
utilized this technology in a web service that utilizes Quality
Aware transcoding to manage its available bandwidth and provide
differentiated QoS depending on the client.
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